Know what's going on

Keep on top of it all...

Your data hides many secrets; what kind of people are buying, where are they buying from, what are they buying most, what are they buying least, what days of the week sell better. Everything adds up to a much more established strategic position.

Get to know your business:

  • How many sales did you make for each product from yesturday, 3 months, 6 months...
  • Would you like to know which group of people bought which products within a spending range
  • Would you like to know who your top ten customers are
  • Discover what your top ten products are....


Custom Reports

Create your own reports, choose the fields you would like to review and order them any way you like. Even export them to a CSV file.


Scheduled Reports

Need to impress the board? Schedule your reports and save yourself the anxiety. Let it hit your inbox at the same time every month.


